Friday, August 7, 2009

The Movie - Du sollst Vater und Mutter ehren! (1913)

Said to be cool Du sollst Vater und Mutter ehren! movie

Movie Premier in 1913.


Color Info: Black and White
Countries: Germany
Sound Mix: Silent
Release Dates: Germany:8 March 1913

In movie have been taken:

Erna Morena (actress)
Articles: "Griffithiana" (Italy), October 1990, Iss. 38/39, pg. 20, by: Vittorio Martinelli, "Kino-Lieblinge"
Death Notes: Munich, Germany
Birth Notes: Wörth am Main, Germany
Death Date: 20 July 1962
Birth Date: 24 April 1885

Alfred Duskes (producer)

Eugen Illés (director)
Death Notes: Budapest, Hungary
German administrator of Hungarian rudiment, cameraman, essayist and power-driven arrangement. He get a area contained by Liberal Arts in Budapest, afterwards in Mechanical Engineering in Berlin. From 1905 to 1939, he lived and work in Berlin. He published several novel. In 1906, he be the contributor of the Berliner Tageblatt; in 1908, managing director of a gala; and from 1911, superseding director of the Berlin department of Pathé. In the frame of his important enterprise, he deal near the mart of Hungarian films in Germany. The glory of every 120 German illustration harvest be associated with his identify. He produced 9 films in Hungary re May 1915 and February 1917. During World War I, he shot several thousand meter of documentary textile. His oeuvre is principally specified and consequential in the tight-lipped times and in German discussion area. He return to Hungary in 1919.
Birth Notes: Debrecen, Hungary
Birth Name: Illés, Jenõ
Death Date: 17 October 1951
Birth Date: 28 January 1877


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