Saturday, August 22, 2009

Movie - Die lachende Maske (1918)

It is worth seeing Die lachende Maske movie

Movie Premier in 1918.


Color Info: Black and White
Countries: Germany
Sound Mix: Silent
Release Dates: Germany:1918

In movie have been taken:

Bruno Eichgrün (actor)
Death Notes: Berlin, Germany
Birth Notes: Berlin, Germany
Death Date: 2 June 1937
Birth Date: 1 January 1877

Ernst Rückert (actor)
Death Notes: Germany
Birth Notes: Berlin, Germany
Death Date: 1950
Birth Date: 20 December 1892

Leopold von Ledebur (actor)
Birth Name: von Ledebur, Leopold Ernst Gerhard Freiherr
Birth Notes: Berlin, Germany
Death Date: 17 September 1955
Death Notes: Wankendorf, Germany
Birth Date: 18 May 1876

Helene Brahms (actress)

Elfriede Heisler (actress)

Magda Madeleine (actress)

Rosa Valetti (actress)
Death Notes: Vienna, Austria
Rosa Valetti be born the daughter of industrialist Felix Vallentin, and was the sister of Hermann Vallentin. She first appear by the Berlin segment and following also inside Paris, Bruxelles and Vienna. During the first WW she work in favour of Ludwig Roth, her first husband, at the Residenz-Theater in Berlin. She also worked beside income of a control and acted in best theaters. A assembly with Kurt Tucholsky administer her an opportunity to pursue in cabaret, firstly in "Schall und Rauch". In 1920 she created her personal cabaret "Café Grössenwahn", in 1922 "Die Rampe" and 1923 "Comedia Valetti", where on earth she also worked with her brother. She play in abundant cabaret in circle Europe and appeared in the Premiere of "Die Dreigroschenoper" ("The Three Penny Opera"). In all she played in beyond 40 films plus in 1930 "Der Blaue Engel" ("The Blue Angel", "L'ange bleu") with Marlene Dietrich. In 1933 she disappeared Nazi Germany for Vienna, Austria, and worked until 1935 at the Theater at der Josefstadt, making guest appearance in Prague, Czechoslovakia. In 1934 she moved to Berlin and in 1936 to Palästina. Her daughter, the actress Liesel Valetti emigrate to the USA.
Birth Notes: Berlin, Germany
Birth Name: Vallentin, Rosa
Death Date: 10 December 1937
Birth Date: 25 January 1876

Robert Heymann (writer)

Willy Zeyn (director)
Birth Notes: Hamburg, Germany
Birth Date: 30 June 1876


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